La feria de Turismo y Artesanía Salar de Uyuni mostrará el potencial de esa región
If you’re a student who is planning on attending school abroad as part of your studies or you’re being relocated by your company, it can seem daunting to visit a new country for the first time. Looking for some tips and tricks to mastering international travel? We have them, courtesy of Travel + Leisure.
POR admgcom
- agosto 19, 2023 4:33 am
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Gobierno garantiza Bs 126,9 millones para el desarrollo del turismo en el Salar de Uyuni y Lagunas de Colores
PENNSYLVANIA, USA — The difference between a tourist and a traveler is getting to know a culture, according to Karen Gershowitz, writer and travel addict.Since boarding a plane to Europe when she was 17, Gershowitz has visited over 90 countries and “gained friends.
POR admgcom
- junio 9, 2023 4:32 am
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Atractivos turísticos de Uyuni: ¿Cuál es la Ruta de los Museos que promueve Uyuni?
I’ve been a traveler my whole life — and was lucky enough to have a family that prioritized experiencing new destinations throughout my childhood. Now, it’s my nephew’s turn. At two years old, with seven countries down, he’s on his way to becoming a citizen of the world.
POR admgcom
- mayo 16, 2023 4:31 am
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